The Mayor of Isfahan`s Message for the 36th International Film Festival for Children and Youth

The Mayor of Isfahan
The Mayor of Isfahan

This festival reflects the passion of our country`s next generation of filmmakers. This festival which has been held in Isfahan for many years has not only given the children and youth the opportunity to watch imporatnt films, but it has also raised a generation talented filmmakers and privided them with the platform on which to demonstarate how cinema can boost a sense of hope, national pride and dignity in the country.

Identity components must be updated, strengthed and revived to acieve civilization. If careful consideration is given to this event of children and youth, future generation of Islamic Iran will be further ahead of us in promoting Iran`s rich and original culture, which stems from our peoples religiousness. That is why the Municipality of Isfahan, during past years, has been trying hard to establish the festival`s reputation. 

I pray to the good God to bless all Irans and the Worlds children and youth with happiness, health and a bright future.

Ali Ghasemzadeh

The Mayor of Isfahan