The Message of the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance for the 36th International Film Festival for Children and Youth

The Minister of Culture
The Minister of Culture

According to the information and communication affairs of the 36th International Film Festival for Children and Youth, the text of this message is as follows:

“In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.”

Cinema, with its various and numerous subtleties and capacities, is a dynamic, attractive and well-known art that includes all age and cultural levels, with every class and every taste, in the circle of its special and general enthusiasts.

Undoubtedly, in this domain, in the field of children and youth beloved cinema, which will definitely cover geographical boundaries at the international level, holding events and film festivals, especially on a global scale, can preserve and spread this medium of art. From the dignity and taste and knowledge of Iranian filmmakers, children and the youth of this ancient land full of art in its various forms will be improved and improved, and in the meantime, taking into account the talent, enthusiasm and curiosity of children and youth who are among the most important and serious audience, who are considered as the future maker of our dear country Iran, holding the international film festival for children and youth has made a great contribution. A world festival whose favorable role in its proper and favorable position will lead to the increase of the circle of cinema lovers, spreading hope, raising awareness and increasing education.

One of the important and indisputable points of the relationship between children and youth with cinema and filmmakers is their modeling of artists of the seventh art, especially actors. The place where cinema brings, in any style and in any way, while covering countless borders and geographical areas, includes the mind and beliefs of people, especially at young ages.

Now, in the 45th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, the International Festival for Children and Youth of Iran is going through its 36th cycle to see the butterflies around its hopeful candle, still more energetic and cheerful than ever. A light, which is the association of cinema lovers and cinemagoers, to play the most cultural role of art, cinema and the wide silver screen of this influential and pervasive medium.

It should also be noted that cinema is not limited to form, technique and structure, but it has the duty to remind the taste of peace and justice in Islamic Iran and the human world, in such a way that on the one hand, the most deprived Iranian children and youth are present in this unattainable dream and participate, and on the other hand, be able to represent his empathy and sympathy with the oppressed children of Gaza and Lebanon.

And in the end, while expressing sincere appreciation to the organizers and staff of this international event, the deep mourning of the cultural, artistic and cinema community of Iran in the martyrdom of the high-ranking devotee and standard-bearer of the regional resistance, Martyr Seyed Hassan Nasrallah and the sincere and pure commander of Iran and the Islamic Nation, commander-in-chief Abbas Nilforoshan I express Undoubtedly, his path will remain alive and will be continued by the fighters of resistance with firmer steps and more acceleration.

Victory is Imminent

Seyyed Abad Salehi, Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance